Monday, October 15, 2012

Sore Body

I went hiking with Gang and several friends yesterday in Mission Peak Reserve. It has been two years since my last visit. I didn't do well last time - I hiked for about one hour, then realized the peak was still far away, so I decided to go back. This time I had no motivation for a better performance, however all my friends seemed determined in reaching the peak. Finally peers' pressure pushed my all the way up. Hours later, I stood on the rocks and looked downhill with my heart beating crazily.

Luckily it took less effort to go down. Tired and exhausted, I had a wonderful sleep after a big dinner last night. All the pain happened this morning. I woke up with a stiff body, every joint was aching and sitting up became extremely challenging. I slowly got off the bed and dressed myself, acting as if I were seventy years old. My legs were particularly out of control: lifting legs and stepping forward was killing me! I did a little stretch in the room, and walked slowly to the school later.

I always know I lack exercises, and the cost of occasional exercise is a sore body. In my high school, PE was compulsory. Therefore no matter how much I hated it, I had to pass it to graduate. In that sense, I did exercise regularly, at least twice a week, and built strong body. College life was far more relaxing. Only 4 credits of PE was required out of more than 136 credits to own a bachelor degree. I learned swimming and dancing there, both of which were not very intense. There was only one semester, in which all the female students were required to pass a 1,800 meter running exam. I did get sweaty in that year. I guess my most strenuous exercise since then was walking - walking from home to work place, or from dormitory to classrooms. Sometimes I went to do yoga with friends, contorting my body as Chinese dough twists (麻花). But that was hardly an exercise either.

I knew I have no luck to be athletic in the future since I was five, when my parents desperately found out I couldn't accomplish some gymnastic movements, such as bending down to press head against thigh, etc, like my peers. I told them that was because I'm an unyielding woman. Anyway, I guess advantages and disadvantages of our genes shaped our lives in early times - I got C in PE and A in math.

All that said, it's not a good idea to give up what you're not good at. Otherwise they will revenge, e.g. with a sore body.

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