Gang and I go grocery shopping every weekend. Since our reallocation to Berkeley, we hardly use our car but the weekend shopping. It just rests outside the apartment for the most of the time. When Gang was back from his trip to Britain, he found our car covered in dust.
"So dirty", Gang turned on the car, "I can't bear it anymore, I will wash it after we're back from the grocery shopping."
"Sure you will," I answered, "I don't really care though."
Then we drove the dirty car all the way to Costco and Ranch 99, filled up its trunk and came back. After moving all the stuff to kitchen, we were so exhausted that no one even talked about cleaning the car.
History repeats itself the next week, and then the week after the next. Two months have passed since Gang's first complaint.
"It's dirty." Gang said.
"I know." I answered.
Then we were silent for a moment. "I will wash it after we are back," he said firmly, "definitely."
Of course it didn't happen. But we always entertained with the fictitious cleaning plan, and enjoyed mocking at each other about our great ambitions and the dirtying car. To be honest, it doesn't matter when to wash the car, it's more important to share ideas. I always have ideas but too lazy to work on, but do get some satisfaction by speaking them out, like: I will do more exercise tomorrow, I want to make you a big dinner, or I won't sleep until noon anymore. I think this is what people refer to as nagging between couples.
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