Keqin's Living Room 榆木斋
Friday, October 28, 2016
Monday, March 21, 2016
“THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communists.
THEN THEY CAME for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
THEN THEY CAME for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up.
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
My Two High-risk Pregnancies
Before Gang and I planned to have a baby in 2013, I had
never expected myself having anything to do with “high-risk” pregnancy. I was
young and healthy, no genetic disease, and women in my family never had any
problems with conceiving or delivering. Even
today my mom is still proud of her intense physical exercises when she was
carrying me.
Things went smooth at the beginning too: I got pregnant and
saw a little heart beating in the uterus during my first OB visit. We shared
the news with our family and friends immediately, hearing their stories of how
to raising kids and imagining how our baby would look like in the future. Every
office visit went well; every test result came back fine. The only thing that
bothered me was morning sickness, which also started to disappear after the
first trimester.
Then something weird happened in my 25th week. It
was an afternoon in October; I was working in my office as usual, packing my
things up and getting ready to run for the BART. Then I found I was bleeding. I
didn’t know why it was happening or how serious it could be, so I called an ambulance
immediately, which took me to the nearest hospital. I was told that I might
have a preterm labor due to frequent contractions and therefore transferred to
Alta Bates Hospital in Berkeley which can handle situations like this.
I received magnesium for two days, a medication to slow down
contractions for women with preterm risks. Then I was told that they couldn’t
find out why I was bleeding and they couldn’t identify the bleeding spot. But I
was told that they ruled out the bleeding caused by placenta detachment, which
was their biggest concern. I was discharged three days later and told to rest
as much as possible.
I followed the doctors’ instructions and went home. I still
couldn’t believe that I was suddenly considered as a high-risk pregnant woman,
but I was confident that I should be fine. However later that night, I started
to feel more frequent and stronger contractions. I started to realize that
something may be wrong, but in spite of all the discomfort I didn’t see any
bleeding or spotting, which made me hesitate to go back to the hospital. Finally
I couldn’t stand the pain and we ran back to ER, where they found out my
placenta was completely detached from uterus and my baby already died. And
because the placenta blocked cervix, all the blood stayed in my uterus and I
failed to observe them.
That was the most dangerous moment in my life. I didn’t even
have time to cry for my baby girl: I fell into coma soon and woke up two days
later after an emergent surgery. I lost 2-liter blood and was very sick for a
long time. Later I learned that my case was further complicated by pulmonary edema,
which happened 1 in every 5,000 blood transfusion with a fatality rate of 9%. But
luckily, my lungs finally recovered and surgeons were able to avoid a C-section
and left no scar in my uterus. I was told that I could get pregnant again in
three months.
Placental abruption happened to less than 1% pregnancy, and
it was even rarer for healthy women (no high blood pressure, or diabetes, etc).
And even it happened, it usually detached slowly from the uterus over a long
period, giving mama and doctors enough time to respond. While in my case, it
was completely detached and it happened very quickly – more quickly than any of
us could respond. Doctors were not able to find out the reason, but they
believed that pressure and tiredness can be a potential cause. When I think
about the few days before the accident, I was working late to meet a deadline,
and I did feel tired every morning when I got up to catch the 6:50am BART.
Maybe my body was already sending me warnings, but I was too busy to notice
(And for those who are interested in testing your math, here
is a good question. The probability of having placental abruption during a
pregnancy is 1%, and 5% of these placental abruptions are considered as severe.
Let’s say 89% of women with abruption receive blood transfusion, and 0.02% of
blood transfusion causes pulmonary edema. What’s the probability of having a
severe placental abruption and pulmonary edema at the same time? And if the
probability of having placental abruption is randomly distributed among
pregnant women, think about the total number of your female friends, what’s the
probability of you knowing anyone with this experience?)
Therefore I became more careful when I was pregnant again in
October 2014, one year after my first miscarriage. The previous experience
changed my opinion on pregnancy: it’s no longer a natural, easy process, but
something that needs intense care and extra attention. This pregnancy had a less optimistic start. During
my first visit, I was told nothing was observed and we should come back one
week later to try our luck. A week later, we finally saw a little heart, tiny
but beating strongly in the uterus. What a relief! MY OB also explained to me
that because of my history, I may want to be extra careful with this one, and
follow up with her more closely. After the first few prenatal visits, I talked
to my manager that I wanted to change my job to a part-time one. Luckily he was
very understanding and was flexible with my schedule. But then things got
worse, I had to work from home to spend more time resting in bed. And a month
later, even wfh became impossible, and I was completely off work until
Bed-rest is not as comfy as it sounds. Spending the entire
day, entire week or even the entire month on bed is horrible. But things
started to get better in May and I started to walk around a little bit. I even
tried to wfh again in early June, which seemed to be a bad idea – a week after
I started working, I was sent to emergency room again due to frequent
contractions and high risk of pre-term labor. Doctors were not able to find out
the reason for my frequent contractions, and they were concerned about my blood
work result: one result showed that I might be experiencing some internal
bleeding, and they were worried that my placenta might be detaching again.
Therefore they decided to keep me in the hospital for observation. Luckily my
placenta stayed well for another month until Alby was induced. Alby was
born a little premature, but we are very grateful that he arrived safely and
I do not write this article to scare anyone about pregnancy.
I only want to say, pay attention to your body and do not over trust yourself. Sometimes
we are more vulnerable than we thought we are. And always get enough rest when
you are pregnant. Also I wish there are
more supports for pregnant women in the US: I was lucky that I have a
supportive OB who wrote notes to put me off work for half a year, and a
considerate manager who approved my disability leave, and also the fact that I
live in California allowed me to collect some disability benefits
to pay my rent; but I know a friend who also experienced a high risk pregnancy
but wasn’t able to get any rest at home because she was in a state without any
disability leave. I can’t even imagine what would happen if I continued working
during this pregnancy, and I’m glad that both my OB and I were more alert this
time and were able to address any changes timely.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
University)毕业,由纽约搬到硅谷,在斯坦福大学(Stanford University)开始从事一份研究员的工作。我们在饱受纽约——北京两地生活的折磨之后,决定折衷在美国西岸团聚。相比于公务员一眼就可以望到头的生活,我甚至不知道这趟航班结束之后,从我下飞机的那一刹那,迎接我的会是什么。不确定性总会让人不安,我的这段旅程似乎也有了点义无反顾的味道。
Altima是我们在美国的第一辆车,3000美元从斯坦福同事那买的。这是一辆1996年的老车,到我们手上的时候已经跑了12万mile,直到2012年卖掉它换新车的时候,又增加了4万mile, 却一直保持着零故障的纪录,故而被我们称呼为“车坚强”。
不过上高速似乎还有些壮胆的作用,我学车的经历在此之后似乎也变的顺畅起来。即便如此,我头两次路考依然因为一些脑子短路的行为挂掉了。按照这边的规矩,考驾照要交26美元,这包括三次笔试和三次路考的机会。如果三次之后还没过,就得重新交钱考试。 好在第三次考官高抬贵手,让我成为了拥有驾照的亚洲女人!对于在美国居住的外国人而言,驾照的意义不仅在于你可以开车,还意味着你去任何地方都不需要再携带护照了,驾照等同于你在美国的身份证。
(to be continued)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Arts Project,可以反复看,仔细看,慢慢的看; 在加上对户外抽烟、喝酒等欧洲人以为的浪漫情调,以及大小城市满地垃圾和烟头的不可容忍,我觉得这辈子跟欧洲实在没有什么缘分。
Casual life style. 我们公司唯一的dress code是,不要光脚,其它的你爱穿什么穿什么。话说我们是给government工作这样真的不要紧吗。
工资还是比较高的。同行业,类似经验的职位,湾区的工资大概是英国的1.5 – 2倍(把英镑折合成美元后)。
Friday, December 13, 2013
Back to Work
Today is my last day before going back to work. A lot of things happened, and I finally admit that this is how life looks like, and there are many things out of our control.
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